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Kent's 'one stop shop' for runners and athletes taking part in multi directional sports. 


Young or old, beginner or veteran, amateur or elite, we will provide you with the help and support needed to get you moving and performing to the best of your ability to help you achieve your goal.

it all starts with ANALYSIS


It all starts with a Biomechanical Analysis and Functional Movement Analysis.


Whether you are an adult or child, looking to move better, run better, run further or run faster, whether you are new to fitness, looking to improve your performance or return from injury the first thing we do is analyse your movement.


During this session we will review and assess your movement by taking short videos and playing these back to you.  This will allow us to identify any areas  of weakness that could be contributing to repetitive niggles and injuries or just slowing you down and holding you back from achieving your goal. 


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